Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Errr... Hii..?

It has been a while... Again... since the last time I updated my blog.

I just simply lazy. Or maybe lack of idea on what to put on my blog.

See, my blog is soooo DULLL! I admit that. haha That proves my laziness.

So, now I'm on holiday. Still. And bored of it. LOL. That's normal, when you have nothing to do, you will get bored. Yelah kan, cuti lama and things I wanted to do mostly done pun. So now I'm just like having extra timesss (too much of extras) to do anything. Which I don't know what.
I can see there are certains who feels that 2-3 months of holiday is never enough. Yelah, because you have many ideas on what to do. And as well Rajin. haha

Why I use rajin? Because even if I have the time and am let to do what I want, I am just lazy you know. Terukkan? Hate to admit that but just can't help it. hahahaha. And when I am free and wanted to do something, I just don't know what to do. LOL. yeap. I don't. simply don't. And even if I have some, I just LAZY to do it. Walhal benda kat rumah je like, "Hey, I've downloaded the movies, lets watch them together" said me to my brother. but then... I didn't. Tch. HAHA.

2 weeks plus to go before I'm back to University. Can't really say if I am ready for it. And can't really say I am excited for it. HAHA. Not really that excited because another busy life is starting. Tapi happy jugak busy pun sebab you won't have to suffer EXTRA TIMES and WASTAGE OF TIME. That's it.


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