Tuesday, April 19, 2011

gila lama tak update kot!

hello mello milo guys!

oh my, i just dont know what to update. nothing fun to share! seriously.

i was about to share my pengalaman interview but i decided not to. because most of my friends already shared theirs rite? no big difference with mine. so buat penat tangan jelah kan taip.haha

however, my nasihat is u have to look confident and if they ask question like this
"if we send you to India, would you go?"
just answer YES, and pujilah sikit that country. penting ni! kalau tak memang kena smash i tell u.tarak tipu punya.

and jangan potong cakap diorang. if its about your turn to answer(if in group) and they suddenly ask something else, never ever try to answer the previous one. batalkan niat anda tersebut okay!

kalau diorang tak tanya apa yang awak patut tahu contoh macam "teknologi terkini" but instead tanya your opinion tentang kemajuan malaysia(contoh jelahkan) masukkan je sikit apa yang anda baca yang kalau orang yang tak membaca tak boleh bagi opinion macam tu gaya, just to show that u read or know something. aku rasa lah. this is my opinion. terserah nak ikut ke tak. HAHA.

im kinda late to share this rite? but banyak orang yang going for interview akan datang like mara interview, utp and all. so i just wanna share sikit2 yang simple2 macam ni to help you. i hope soooo! hehe :P

apa2 pun, yang nak pergi interview nanti, good luck okay! :)


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