Monday, February 7, 2011


hello people! :)
i am going to use english. sorry for my broken english. im trying to improve!

hey! im updating my blog! great to hear this. blog ni asyik kena tinggal. haha! andddd.. i found out that some people are leaving their blogs because of some reasons such as, lazy to express your own words, what you think and what you did, and sometimes, you just dont have anything to share here. i really understand that! but still, i love this blog so i hope i wont leave it or remove it. hehe

oh by the way! what i want to share in this post is about food. or makanan.something that has to do with it lahhh.

duluu, when i was in form 4, my chemistry teacher, used to call me pemakan or in english, eater. hahaha so great. i got a new nickname thanks to her! the reason she created that nickname is because she saw me eating in her class. very often. seriously. even during the examinations. what i did is eat and eat. hahahaha!
not to forget,other teachers also caught me eating in their classes. like almost everyday especially after recess. but why me?! ade jugak orang lain yang makan but i was the only person who can be easily noticed. why why why?! am i shining like the stars?! orr maybe ada nur dalam diriku ni. hahahaha

then, when i was in form 5. also caught red handed while eating in the class. cikgu noni, puan lau or maybe there were some other teachers who caught me eating.
ingat lagi cikgu noni pernah cakap: nabila, pagi pagi dah makan???
i was like. "hehehehe" ajela. makan gula2 aje kot. tapi dah mengantuk di awal pagi what can i do.

my class members also said that i eat a lot. everytime cikgu mention pasal makan in the class they will definitely look at me. ohh man. am i eating that much? hahahaha

now i realised(kind offff) that i eat quite a lot. not A LOT just QUITE. hehehehehe people, please follow me, eat a lot. okay. HAHA

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