Monday, November 21, 2011

why are you here hah?!

I just don't understand why people like this ever exist in this world and I found one of them.
Living in UM made me learn so many things. I met people I never expect to meet. I have problems that never crossed my mind that things like that would happen. I learn how to deal with those kind of attitudes.

Sometimes I do wonder why this person is so jealous with my friends and I. Did so many things toward us and we never do anything to fight back eventhough we have the rights. Like, come on! Why are you still disturbing us? I think you have no reason to disturb us anymore. IT IS JUST YOU BEING TOO JEALOUS OF WHAT WE ALL ARE HAVING RIGHT? babe, GROW UP lah. kau ingat dengki kau boleh bawa sampai mana?! Think before doing anything! Nanti kau yang malu! sekarang pun kau sudah cukup memalukan. tahu?! tak tahu silakan tahu sekarang.
dahlah nak sarcastic dengan kawan aku taktau the real fact. KESIANNYA.

*sorry people. i really need to express this! don't want to keep it.haha :P

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